Le Quotidien de l'Art

Eduardo Basualdo

Eduardo Basualdo
Break of Day, 2015. Courtesy Ruth Benzacar Galería de Arte, Buenos Aires.

The practice of Eduardo Basualdo, who lives and works in Buenos Aires, is inscribed within the Southamerican continent’s long-standing tradition of drawing, historically implemented as a tool to apprehend nature in academic training, and more recently treated by a variety of artists as an expanded medium with which to deconstruct the exhibition space, the Western standards of measurement, the industrial applications of construction materials, among other usages. Basualdo stages subtle space interventions where the ephemerality of the concept of the line and its limits is evoked by mirrors, light and shadow, as well as by other materials whose intended functions have been subverted, such as metal rods, industrial chains or watches, thus suggesting bizarre ambiances that the public is invited to pierce through hallucinatory explorations; these spaces are thus fictional realms created by the tweaking of banal everyday elements. Therefore, drawing also becomes a mental exercise, as perception is altered to create unexpected alleyways of fiction in memory.

Article issu de l'édition Hors-série du 01 décembre 2015