Le Quotidien de l'Art


Artur Lescher

Artur Lescher
Artur Lescher, "Rio Máquina", 2009, stainless steel, 165,4 x 267,7 x 95,7 inches, unique.
Photo Fernando Laszlo/Courtesy Artur Lescher and Galeria Nara Roesler.

Machine River (2008) or Rio Máquina in Portuguese, a monumental work measuring almost 7 metres in height, represents a crowing moment in the Brazilian artist’s career. Made of a stainless steel mesh that flows down to the floor in a waterfall-like manner, it is emblematic of his work with space and his relationship with nature. Lescher likes to work with metal, stone or wood, creating simple, full shapes that he suspends in order to play with balance and the force of gravity. His work is at the crossroads of sculpture, architecture and design, but his corpus should also be considered through the prism of philosophy (which he briefly studied at university) and poetry: following in the footsteps of Brancusi, to whose influence he willing admits, his smooth and machined, pure, symmetrical works question the symbolism of form. 

1962 Born in São Paulo, Brazil

1987 Shows 2 zeppelins at Bienal de São Paulo

2005 Takes part in 5th Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

2006 Kajima Sculpture Award, Tokyo

2017 Solo show at Palais d’Iéna, Paris

Lives and works in São Paulo 

Artur Lescher, "Rio Máquina", 2009, stainless steel, 165,4 x 267,7 x 95,7 inches, unique.
Artur Lescher, "Rio Máquina", 2009, stainless steel, 165,4 x 267,7 x 95,7 inches, unique.
Photo Fernando Laszlo/Courtesy Artur Lescher and Galeria Nara Roesler.
Artur Lescher, "Rio Máquina" (detail), 2009, stainless steel, 165,4 x 267,7 x 95,7 inches, unique.
Artur Lescher, "Rio Máquina" (detail), 2009, stainless steel, 165,4 x 267,7 x 95,7 inches, unique.
Photo Fernando Laszlo/Courtesy Artur Lescher and Galeria Nara Roesler.

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