After expanding to Málaga (Spain) and Brussels (Belgium), the emblematic Parisian institution has chosen the burgeoning cultural district of West Bund in Shanghai, China.“The city is associated with modernity, openness and exchange. It will probably be the next cultural hub of the XXIst century”, explains Serge Lasvignes, president of the Centre Pompidou. The Rockbund Art Museum (2010), the Shanghai Power Station of Art (2012) and the Yuz Museum (2014) are a case in point. They all have solidly established themselves in the local artistic landscape.European galleries have also blossomed – specifically French ones – whose presence has increased in recent years with the arrival of Perrotin (2018) and Almine Rech (2019). The inauguration marks the start of the five-year long renewable partnership between the Centre Pompidou and the Shanghai West Bund Development Company as well as the museum's first venture in China. West Bund Development will administer operations including the construction of the institution’s 25 000 square meter building designed by David Chipperfield. The museum will be responsible for the program and the loans, which will mostly come from its own 120 000-piece collection. By globalizing its brand, the museum intends to favor cultural dialogue and increase its Asian visitors (now estimated at 5%) as well as its overall representation of Chinese artists (the collection holds 200 pieces by 120 Chinese artists). The Shanghai adventure starts off with the inaugural display titled “Shape of Time” curated by Marcella Lista: a selection of 100 pieces from the collection, spanning from the XXth to the XXIth century featuring avant-garde classics (Picasso, Miró, Duchamp) and contemporary artists (Pollock, Richter or Boltanski).